Just a few years ago, in my private ranking of favorite places in the world there was New York and then for a long, long, long time nothing. Of course, I also felt great sympathy for Madrid, London, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam and Paris (I do not mention Masuria here, because they have their own separate category and do not compete with any other place on earth).

Over the last few months, I had I had the opportunity to visit the capital of France twice and even though I knew this city quite well before, only these two trips made me realize how good I feel there, how much I am delighted with its architecture, food and energy, and how much inspiration I draw from what I see. surrounds me when I'm there. New York doesn't have to worry about its position in my heart at the moment, but Paris has definitely moved into second place and is slowly chasing the Big Apple. I will try to share this energy with you and show you where my admiration comes from.

To the full article https://charlizemystery.com/2022/10/co-zwiedzic-w-paryzu/

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